Tuesday 12 February 2013

Winter's Icy Grip

Disappointingly, February has failed to live up to her early promise and is busy reminding us that Winter is not yet ready to release its icy grip.

Tramping through the snow-bound fields with our yellow Labrador, the iron-grey sky sealing us into the monochrome landscape, it was a real pleasure to see a few brave yellow daffodils pushing through the crust of snow.

A promise that the English winter must end soon, the sun will shine again and the Spring flowers in this Suffolk meadow will return once more.


  1. I am waitin on the arrival of good weather and hopefully Spring. Love this picture of the flowers.

    Today is grey and raining. Things have started blooming here in east Texas.

  2. The same icy field we tramped through today, taken in May last year. Cornflowers, ox-eye daisies. Bliss.
    I cannot wait for our icy, grey winter to be over, Pam, and release us all.

  3. The last mile of winter is always the hardest to go through. Love your wild flowers picture - the promise of what's to come.

    1. This is the toughest bit, Molly. Nearly there!

  4. Our winter has been very mild and I would like to see at least one day of snow. But isn’t it lovely to see the daffodils coming out?

    1. Like you I love to see snow - winter isn't the same without it, but it's time for a change now.

  5. Same here, cold and miserable, and I feel the same way you do, just want it to be spring! The flowers are bravely poking through; I'm thankful for that! And there is a stretch in the evenings. That meadow is beautiful, I'm listening to the andante of Mozart Piano Concerto 21 as I read your blog, it's heaven to my senses!

    1. That sounds wonderful Mimi! The wild flowers in Suffolk are wonderful - I have never seen so many anywhere else.

  6. Hello Marianne:
    There always seem to be so very many false starts to the end of winter and the coming of spring. But, whatever, given time tour meadows will, once more, be carpeted in flowers.

    Here we have had a fall of fresh snow and it remains very cold indeed.

    1. Fresh snow is always a pleasure as are wild flowers, but I know I am ready now for the flowers. Enjoy Bucharest in the snow and I am looking forward to following your adventures!

  7. P.S. Thank you so much for becoming a Follower. We are delighted to welcome you.

  8. Walking through this field is always a joy at any time of the year but especially in the spring when it teems with wild flowers, and it's right on my doorstep! A reminder of why I love this relatively unspoilt corner of Suffolk. I have never seen daffodils and snow at the same time before.
    Thank you for the lovely comments. It seems to have been a very long, cold, dreary winter and we are all desperate for Spring to arrive.

  9. Most weather is bearable - just - but the lack of light is what gets to me in the end! So grey, so bleugh! A field of flowers would lift my spirits just now...soon?
    P x

  10. Yes, it is the dreary greyness that is so hard to bear. Cold crisp days with some sunshine are perfect winter weather when we get them. Nearly there.


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